The relaxing properties of CORE’s organic CBD maximize nitric oxide production and improve blood flow. Endocannabinoid stimulation activates internal balance, resulting in the minimization of stress and cardiovascular restriction. These benefits create superior conditions for increased production of nitric oxide and help optimize the flow of nutrient and oxygen-rich blood throughout your body and to your organs.†︎



Nitric oxide improves oxygen uptake—the amount of oxygen your muscle and tissue cells absorb and utilize. Enhanced oxygen uptake helps to increase stamina and improves both anaerobic and aerobic fitness levels.



Increasing nitric oxide levels helps enhance sexual desire and excitement, and the reason is simple. When blood circulation to a man or woman’s genitals is amplified, sexual responses become more profound and enjoyable. Increasing nitric oxide levels helps stimulate arousal and sparks sexual sensations.



The driving force of your circulatory system, your heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood in a single day. Your body’s vast blood vessel system is approximately 100,000 miles—long enough to circle the globe 2.5 times. It consists of three main sections including your veins, arteries, and capillaries. CORE’s nitric oxide-boosting & hemp ingredients ensure your cardiovascular system is in great shape so it can pump and deliver blood smoothly and effectively.



From push-ups to pilates, routine exercise and CORE are a win-win. Nitric oxide produced when taking CORE plays a key role in building muscles and endurance, and helps your body to recover. Stimulated by routine activity, your body creates even more nitric oxide so you can continue to perform at your best day in and day out.



Your brain thrives on oxygen. Making up only 2% of your body’s mass, your brain requires 25% of your body’s oxygen to perform at its best. CORE increases blood and oxygen flow to your brain, supporting greater memory, concentration and optimal brain performance.



As nitric oxide widens and dilates circulation pathways, oxygen, blood, nutrients and beneficial compounds are more efficiently transported to your organs, cells, and tissues. A two-way street, clearer circulatory pathways more effectively flush and expel metabolic waste and harmful toxins.

Adding CORE Nitric Oxide Booster + Hemp to your daily routine helps to energize the body's ability to perform harder, faster and for longer durations. CORE is 100% stimulant-free and only provides clean, natural energy.





To protect your heart health now and as you age, it’s essential to keep your blood pumping smoothly and efficiently. With a rise in obesity rates and an increase in poor lifestyle and eating habits, heart and cardiovascular issues are affecting people at much younger ages than in previous decades.

"Part of the reason medicare came out at age 65 is because that’s when we started to see issues from heart and cardiovascular complications. But now, if you look at my average patient, they’re in their mid-forties. Heart attacks and issues with heart disease no longer solely affect our grandparents and parents. We’re looking at a much younger demographic."


World-Renowned Cardiologist & PMB Medical Advisor.


Formulated & tested to improve cardiovascular health, CORE harnesses the combined power of CBD with the world’s greatest natural ingredients to boost nitric oxide production and increase blood flow.

Suggested Use: Dissolve one scoop into 6-8 oz of water and drink within 2 minutes. Use once or twice daily allowing 8-10 hours between use or as directed by a healthcare professional. Take before food. Pregnant women and those with pre-existing medical conditions should consult with a physician prior to use. Intended for adult consumption.

Pink Lemonade Flavor

Keep out of the reach of children. Pregnant women, nursing mothers or children should refrain from taking this product unless advised by their physician. As with any dietary supplement, consult with your physician before use if you have or suspect you have a medical condition or are taking any medications.

Ryan B.
I was reluctant to take Dream at first because I've never taken anything with THC. Decided to start using it and have had the most restful and restorative sleep ever. Because of my line of work and also becoming a novice CrossFit competitor, sleep and recuperation is critical. Incorporating Dream into my nighttime routine was a very smart decision.
Maria Fernanda V.
Empezamos a tomar Vital todos en casa, mis hijos de 14 y 9 años tienen mucha actividad fisica, y aunque comemos sano , sabia que no teniamos la ingesta adecuada de minerales , Las uñas y cabello de todos estan mejor! , mas fuertes ! Diario tomamos Vital en agua y a los niños se los pongo en los termos para poner los minerales y aminos que necesitan para crecer
Tania D.
Vital ha sido un producto que me ha dado vitalidad y energia para poder llenar mi cuerpo De vitalidad y vida un muy buen producto
Johnathan M.
The Chocolate Love plant-based protein powder is a filling and delicious shake. I have placed them in my weekly meal plan about 3 to 5 times a week, and they are delicious!
Cynthia C.
Brain works better fast a focus to do things in a ease yet focus clear thinking way. The joint pains also depart on this product I was limping under stress from work, then within one week transformed way of working in ease as well as getting up out of chairs without pain-
Shanna D.
My experience with Focus has been life changing. I began taking Focus 4 years ago in hopes of helping with my chronic migraines, that I had battled with for 7+years. I've been migraine free for 4 years now! Seizure free for 4 years! Disabling pain is manageable. It has helped me more than I thought possible! It has been the catalyst to my healing journey back to Health.
Alma W.
I’ve learned that I only need 1/2 a gummy and it helps me sleep like a baby. My mother in law has struggled with insomnia for many years and since she’s been using the Dream gummies she’s been able to truly rest and allow her body to heal at night and function normally during the day. Wonderful product I recommend to family and friends.
Linaka J.
From Day 1 of using this yummy Hemp Protein Powder from PrimeMyBody -- almost 5 years ago -- my body leapt with Joy ! I made it a consistent daily routine… loving the flavor & texture, appreciating the high quality ingredients and enjoying all the health benefits. My digestion & regularity improved dramatically. If I miss my morning smoothie, my body shouts for Hemp magic & Chocolate LOVE !
Maria Fernanda V.
Hey ! El mejor producto del mundo para traer en la bolsa y compartir siempre ! Soy #ladybodytherapy ! Lo usamos todos en casa : relaja , alivia dolores musculares , de cabeza , estómago , piquetes , moretones , golpes ! De verdad es una maravilla !!
Más tranquilidad , mayor enfoque
Mónica T.
I absolutely love it...I've been with it for 3 years and I know how it feels to be without it...PURE LOVE BETWEEN US
Anna L.
Focus gives me energy and focus. I feel my brain sharpen and provide focus when I take Focus! My job required me to perform multiple tasks, and Focus helped me to work through the various tasks without being overwhelmed. I don't drink coffee, but feel energized when I take Focus every day. I love this product!
William W.
I've had anxiety my entire life, every day, because of childhood abuse. I've tried many therapies, nutritionals, etc. Nothing helps. Focus cuts my anxiety in half. It has truly been a lifesaver. I am also really happy that I have something to suggest to those I meet up with who also suffer with anxiety.
James M.
Body Therapy Salve absorbs and penetrates well, giving me relief from discomfort and pain when I injury joints or muscles or sore muscles.
Anthony J.
Helpful with my overall health, especially adding much needed protein.
Angela D.
I’m a sole proprietor, Esthetician in San Antonio Texas. Not only is this product. Been a staple as a supplement serum for the face but it is an affordable serum nonetheless and great for my teenage daughters.
Alexa Liliana V.
Como médico y paciente, FOCUS es mi producto favorito, padezco Fibromialgia y gracias a FOCUS he mantenido controlado el dolor. Hace un par de meses tuve una artroscopia de hombro y FOCUS, me ayudaron a disminuir bastante el dolor y la recuperación a sido tolerable y rápida.
Morris K.
Great sleep wish you would not sugar coat them tho very helpful to deep sleep and experience a refreshed awakening
Eumir M.
CALM de Prime My Body tiene la mejor formula para lograr un descanso reparador, en pandemia de Covid-19 sufrí de insomnio y ansiedad, generando un profundo malestar por no poder tener un sueño continuo y CALM fue lo mejor que pudo pasarme, después de un par de días de tomarlo mi sueño mejoró mucho y logre dormir más de 7 horas continuas. GRACIAS CALM por mejorar mi vida.
Paul A.
CALM helps me every day, to get out the door and help get me ready for the tasks at hand. Taking CALM has made my body less achy and my mind less stressed. It feels so good to ditch the over the counter medications I used to take to deal with my active lifestyle. Bonus is, by supporting my Endocannabinoid System so effectively I feel that I am slowly resolving issues that I am unaware of.
Debbie M.
Watching what it has done for chronic psoriasis that was being unsuccessfully treated medically was all that was needed for me to buy Focus in bulk!
Andres G.
No se como o por donde se entra a comprar por paquete, me modificaron la pagina y no entiendo el nuevo sistema, por favor facilitarme con su ayuda. GRACIAS !!!
Sloan H.
My husband and I have been taking the Dream Sleep Gummies for months now. He takes a half, I take a whole, we both sleep and if we have to get up in the middle of the night, we fall back asleep and still wake up rested - so glad we tried them!
Joel C.
Christine B.
I've been using this product for years and I truly love how it works supporting inflammation and neurological functions as well as dancing with other products and assisting pathways of all body systems to work more effectively.
John T.
I have taken this for a blocked ticker for years now. I high functioning workout and chase my daughters 13 and 11 plus my wife much younger than me all over Texas (jkn) but for real. Basketball volleyball being an active dad is important. Check up w doctors they have given me a bill of clean health! Core it does the blood flow good! Nothing on the market comes close!
freddie p.
Awesome, helps me sleep wake refreshed and ready to go.
miguel j.
Lo solicite gracias a Myrna, ell es de Veracruz, sabía que su salud era óptima y solicite información de que estaba tomando, me dió información y decido tomar Focus, que en definitivo a cambiado mi vida, sufro memos dolor en mi columna y mi madre lo toma por el dolor de su rodilla, este ha bajado en una escala sorprendente, mi hija con TDA lo toma y le ha encantado los resultados.
John T.
The protein is great! Fills you up and for a plant based product is really tasty!
Denise T.
The flavor is great and I have been using it for 1 meal a day for just over 2 weeks along with veggies and have been super satisfied. I never thought I would use it daily but it is definitely working for me. I am a very busy person with 2 part time jobs and several other things in my community.
Blue Diamond M.
This product I have seen time after time help lipid panels and blood pressure, with our patients in office. Personally I take this every morning to get my blood flowing and amazing mental clarity comes with it. This science is on another level from any other N.O. product I have ever tried.
Akiko O.
初めてSHIELDを使用した時は、体感が得られなかったのですが、毎日摂り続けて半年。これまで夏に必ず手荒れが出ていたのですが、今年は一才手荒れが出ませんでした!!ステロイドは頼りたくなく、これまで漢方やさまざまな自然療法を試してきましたが、良くならず、諦めていたのですが、手荒れが改善し、本当に嬉しすぎます!!また風邪ひきそうだな!という時に摂取すると、風邪もこじらせないので、家族全員で摂取しています。 これから冬の寒くなる時期に入るので、毎日しっかり摂取していきます!!
Akiko O.
Cynthia R.
I appreciate how this product keeps my mind focused. I know when I have not taken my daily dose. I feel as thought there is something missing and I do not stay mindful.
Sheri B.
This product helps keep my dogs, skin and coat healthy, but also more importantly, one that has severe allergies. It helps him keep them at bay.
Kaoru A.
Kaoru A.
Meg P.
I use it daily on my massage clients! They LOVE it!
Loryn R.
it helps tremendously with back pain within a matter of a few minutes. Also with headaches and a good nights sleep.
Blake B.
I use it normally everyday and on acute situations and after workouts 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Kaoru A.
When I wake up the next morning after taking CALM, I feel refreshed, and I can be active in the morning without feeling irritable. My friends who have young children are happy that they are now able to interact with their children more calmly.
Mónica T.
CALM llegó a mi vida suavemente, como una bendición. Es un producto generoso, de sabor delicioso y que una vez que mi cuerpo se habituó acciona cada vez con más velocidad. Tanto si lo tomo de día para amortizar el estrés laboral, como si lo tomo de noche para promover un descanso reparador, CALM es mi producto favorito por una enorme ventaja contra otros productos semejantes y no genera adicción.
Linda P.
It helps with my 79 year old hip joint pain!
Sheri B.
With so many stressors in life, I feel like I’ve always battled having enough energy or been able to clearly focus on my tasks and remember the details. After taking focus for a while, it is now a daily supplement in my life, as it has helped me on all levels.
Jodee M.
I was a massage therapist for 13 years. This was one of best salves I have ever used. We love it!
Gabriela G.
I have recommended Focus to every friend, family and client with brain fog, memory loss or lack of energy... every one is having a great body response!!! I love the uniqueness of this product and the flexibility it has to give everyone a unique dose as people are unique and have different needs. Focus is an excellent alternative to improve brain and emotional health!!!!!
東野 �.
Dania P.
Es un producto de mágico, el alivio es instantáneo y duradero.
Gloria J. J.
5 stars. Before I started using Focus I was having a brain fog. Forgetting appointments with clients which was not like me being an RN Case manager. After 5 months of using Focus my memory returned and has been good. I continue to use Focus daily and my memory is doing well. Gloria Jauregui-Lieber, RN, BSN
Leslie C.
Shield is a staple in our daily regimen. At the onset of any illness, we increase our dosage and can almost always stop it from progressing. We are 66 and 67 years old and blessed with good health. We attribute alot of that to Prime MyBody products.
Michael I.
My Favorite PMB product! I have used everyday for 2 years now and have noticed an increase in energy and has helped me to eliminate coffee in the morning.
Andrea D.
I love the taste of Core it feels like a treat! Core gives me energy and also fills me up so I don’t snack on unhealthy foods.
Brooke S.
I sleep so deeply now. Feel refreshed in the morning and well rested. Love this product so much!
Michele W.
Carrie R.
While it's been fantastic for me (especially late afternoon if I get fatigue, just a few drops picks me right back up) the OUTSTANDING benefit was for my geriatric horse who suffered w/ ulcer the pain from his pain meds. Vet prescribed the standard $1,100.00- 28 day treatment... Instead, within 3 days on 1-2ml Focus and original gut health supplement - he completely recovered and stabilized!!
Miyuki H.
Linda P.
When I take focus it helps me to calm down and focus on the task I want to accomplish.
freddie p.
Love the Dream gummies! I go right to sleep and sleep all night! Haven’t sleep all night without tossing and turning in years!
Linaka J.
For everyday optimal Health Balance, we rely on SHIELD… and even more when traveling, or recovering from a cold, or helping eliminate seasonal allergy symptoms!
ちえこ �.
Focus is one and only very best CBD product!!! It is countless great changes I and many friends of mine experienced !! It has changed ny and their lives !!
John-Austin E.
Sheri B.
Calm helps my brain stop running so I can relax and get to sleep more easily. I also use it as an anti-inflammatory when injured and it helps the healing process. My husband takes it every night for his restless legs so he can sleep better.
Lu M.
Originally suggested by my chiropractor, I took focus for 3 months before I started having side effects from the Parkinson's meds that I was taking. After consulting with my neurologist, I stopped taking all of my Parkinson's meds and have never gone back. I have been off the meds for 2 years and have had no increasing s/s. I take 1 cc bid of focus.
知行 �.
Anna L.
I see a naturopath who often told me that my adrenals needed help until I started taking Phyto Adrenal regularly. I love this product!
Ryan B.
I've been competing in amateur CrossFit competitions. I turn 52 this year and my aches and pains take much longer to recover. Body Therapy is the best product I've used for my lower back, knees and shoulders. This is my second favorite product just behind the Dream gummies!!!
Maria Fernanda V.
Todos en casa usamos Body Therapy ! nos ayuda con rápido alivio en dolores de cabeza, musculares, golpes o cólicos , lo traigo siempre en la bolsa!!
Carol B.
My 13 year old Yellow Lab is much more active and has even played with toys for first time in awhile. Love it
Carol B.
Nicesize for sharing with new clients, I use the product for achy joints and love it.
Breena M.
I use this almost every night to help calm my brain for sleep. With Calm, I get a deeper, more restful sleep.
Jennifer L.
It helps me relax a little in a way that doesn’t feel weird!
sayaka o.
Leonardo A.
No puedo estar sin Focus
Breena M.
My husband started taking creatine to help muscle growth with his workouts, so I had him start taking Build (instead) and he loves it!
Breena M.
I really love getting my daily Vital nutrients in such an easy to take, high quality supplement!
Jean W.
We Love the Body Therapy salve from PMB - carry it with our family everywhere as part of our First Aid pack as it is so fast and effective esp. on sore muscles. I use it nightly on my hands and wrists for sleep sound and to wake with ZERO stiffness in my joints. Plus a 2 oz. tin lasts a loooong time as we only need a tiny dab for each application.
Steven J.
I’m a trucker. Wife got me started with Focus. At about two weeks of taking it I called her to check in. I’d been driving for a couple of hours. Told her how I felt like I was in a fog, couldn’t seem to wake up and my hands hurt. She asked me if I had taken my Focus and I realized I hadn’t. I pulled into the next rest area and took it. Minutes later-no brain fog, awake & my hands didn’t hurt!
Bob D.
Seems like it may be helping my husband with focus and calmness. He has pretty severe brain fog, we think from covid. We are hoping this helps as it is very frustrating for him and the entire family as well. After reading some of the studies and hearing some good results from others we are trying this. He has been using for past few months.
Lori H.
Love this lip balm, I have been using it since it first came out and continue to use it as my only go to. Thank you
Carla M.
Helps me sleep!
Lu M.
I have been using Dream for well over a year and I love it. I take one gummy around 10pm every night, and am in bed and asleep by 11p. Occasionally, i will wake up around 1am and can't get back to sleep, so ZI will take another gummy. The good news is that i awake around 6am and I never have a 'hangover'. It is just enough to get me to relax and sleep peacefully.

© Copyright 2015-2025 DMG, LLC.
DMG PrimeMyBody.Com LLC   |   2810 Trinity Mills Rd, Suite 209-145, Carrollton Texas 75006

Prices Subject to Change without Notice

These products are not for use by or sale to persons under the age of 18. This product should be used only as directed on the label. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. A Doctor's advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with nor do they endorse this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual weight loss results will vary. By using this site, you agree to follow the Privacy Policy and all Terms & Conditions printed on this site. Void Where Prohibited by Law.